Shree Ganpatishankar Ichharam Majmudar Public Charitable Trust

Hemophilia Society Surat Chapter

Hemophilia Without Disablitiy, Children Free of pain

Hemophilia Federation India (HFI)

                   Hemophilia Federation India Established in 1983. Hemophilia Federation India is a self-help NGO run by Persons with Hemophilia themselves, with help from medical fraternity. Hemophilia Federation India represent India as National Member Organization at the World Federation of Hemophilia based in Canada. HFI also work in close collaboration with World Health Organization (WHO) and National Aids Control Organization (NACO). Hemophilia Federation India (HFI) is the only national umbrella organization in India working for the welfare of the PWH through a network of 93 chapters spread over four regions (Northern Region, Eastern Region, Western Region, Southern Region). HFI aim to reach out to PWH and provide total quality care, education, make treatment available at affordable cost, psycho-social support, and economic rehabilitation and thus help them in improving the quality of life without disability and free of pain.

Our Vision

  • Hemophilia without disability, Children free of pain
  • A hemophilia patient can live a stress free life.
  • Providing the best healthcare services to all hemophilic patients at free of cost through an unrelenting strategy of motivation, quality improvement, value addition, and dedication towards humanity with selflessness.
  • A hemophilia patient should get treatment close to home.

Our Mission

  • To build a comprehensive care centre of excellence for the health of hemophilia patients in Surat.
  • Factor treatment is available in every city with the noble aim of providing hemophilia patients with easy access to treatment near their homes and we are trying to make treatment available soon where treatment is not available in south gujarat.

Hemophilia Society Surat Chapter

Shree Ganapatishankar Ichchharam Majmudar Public Charitable Trust’s trustees and service-oriented members such as Shree Virendrabhai Majmudar, Shree Ankurbhai Shah, and Dr. P.M. Kheni Sahib established the Hemophilia Society Surat in 2003. Its main purpose was to help hemophilia patients live pain-free lives and raise awareness about hemophilia among the public. Initially supported by Hemophilia Society Surat Chapter and Shree Ganapatishankar Ichchharam Majmudar Public Charitable Trust, the Hemophilia patients received free treatment including FFP and cryo at the Blood Transmission Center. Read More

What is Hemophilia?

Hemophilia is a genetic disorder in which the patient tends to bleed excessively. The peculiar thing about the transmission of this disease is that only the males suffer from it. The females are only the carriers. Unless and until the sufferer bleeds into a vital organ and dies, Hemophilia is not a killing disease.

Reach Us

Hemophilia Society Surat Chapter

Ground floor, Shiv Darshan Apt.
Chanlla gali , Gopipura,

In-case of Emergency

Hemophilia Care Centre
Ground floor, Stemcell building
New Civil Hospital Majuragate

80000 94993

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Factor Availability
Factor Availability in Hemophilia Care Centre, NCH, Surat
Factors Status
Factor VIII (SHL) Yes
Factor VIII (EHL) Yes
Factor IX (SHL) No
Factor IX (EHL) No
Factor 7 Yes
Feiba Yes
Emicizumab Yes

Last Updated Date : 28th March, 2025